Recent HEG Projects
Listed below i s a short list of our recent projects with Strategic Plannin:
- NATIONAL K - 12 EDUCATION STRATEGIC PLAN – SAUDI ARABIA: HEG's Principal Consultant, Douglas Halladay was retained by AED to lead the development of the national K - 12 education strategic plan for Saudi Arabia with Tatweer.
- SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLAN – MONGOLIA: HEG was retained to develop the strategic plan for PreK - 12 International Baccalaureate Private School in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
- DEVELOP STRATEGIC P LAN FOR AN EXISTING & NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT - NEW HAMPSHIRE: HEG was retained to develop a strategic plan for an existing public school district and a new school district in New Hampshire, USA
- SCHOOL FORMATION STRATEGIC PLAN - CONNECTICUT, USA: HEG was retained by a Post - Secondary For - Profit Allied Health School to advise on the formation of their school in Connecticut.
- SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLAN - PITT MEADOWS, BC: HEG was retained to develop the strategic plan for PreK - 9 International Baccalaureate Private School in Vancouver, British Columbia.
- SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLAN - TENNESSEE, USA: HEG was retained to develop the strategic plan for an Adventist Senior Boarding School in Tennessee, USA.